Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Writing ( ch.2) Sentence Patterns

"Sentence patterns" is just another way talk about the way a sentence is put together; the order of the elements in the sentence; sentence construction. Some sources say there are six English sentence patterns; some say eight. A few sources list even more. Here are the ones we feel are the most common, and the easiest to recognize:

1. Subject + Verb (S-V)

This is the simplest kind of sentence. It consists of a subject, a verb, and possibly some adjectives, adverbs, or prepositional phrases. There are no direct objects, indirect objects, or complements.

-Abraham speaks fluently. (subject, verb, adverb)

-Many of the class members write well in class. (subject, verb, adverbs) (The "complete" subject is "Many of the class members"--a noun phrase.)

2. Verb + Subject (V-S)

Sentences in English usually have the subject come first, followed by the verb. But when a sentence begins with there is, there was, there are, there were, the verb comes first, followed by the subject. The word There is never a subject!

-There is a strange shadow in the woods. (verb, subject--the complete subject is the noun phrase a strange shadow, verb)

-There were no leftovers after the buffet. (verb, subject, adverb)

3. Subject + Verb + Direct Object (S-V-DO)

-Andrew composes music. (subject, verb, direct object.)

-Matthew helps others in several English practice rooms. (subject, verb, direct object, adverb)

-Helen tells jokes to make people smile. (subject, verb, direct object, adverb)

4. Subject + Verb + Complement (S-V-SC)

A complement is a word or group of words that describe or rename the subject. Complements follow a linking verb. There are two kinds of subject complements: 1) predicate nominative, which is a noun or pronoun that renames or classifies the subject of the sentence and 2) predicate adjective, which is an adjective that describes the subject of the sentence.

• Mother looks tired. (subject, verb, complement--predicate adjective)

• Some students in the class are engineers. (the noun phrase Some students in the class is the complete subject, verb, complement--predicate nominative)

• The men are handsome, the women are clever, and the children are above-average. (compound sentence of three independent clauses, so three subjects, three verbs, three complements--all predicate adjectives)

5. Subject + Verb + Indirect Object + Direct Object (S-V-IO-DO)

An indirect object tells for whom or to whom. If the indirect object comes after the direct object (in a prepositional phrase "to ________" or "for _______"), the sentence pattern is shown as S-V-DO-IO. Pronouns are usually used as indirect objects (but not always).

• I sent her a birthday present. (subject, verb, indirect object, direct object)

• Jay gave his dog a bone. (subject, verb, indirect object, direct object)

• Granny left Gary all of her money. (subject, verb, indirect object, direct object)

• Granny gave every last asset to Gary. (subject, verb, direct object, indirect object in a prepositional phrase)

6. Subject + Verb + Direct Object + Object Complement (S-V-DO-OC)

This pattern isn't as common as the others, but it is used. An object complement is a word or group of words that renames, describes, or classifies the direct object. Object complements are nouns or adjectives and follow the object.

• Debbie left the window open during the rain storm. (subject, verb, direct object, object complement, adverb)

• The class picked Susie class representative. (subject, verb, direct object, object complement)

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